January 25, 2025
This game was developed as part of my A-level project and to date is the most expansive project I've completed. With an integrated shop system, many spaceships and plenty of exploration to be had, it achieved just under an A* in official OCR examinations.
Built In Shop System
Real Time Ray Tracing
15+ Cutscenes
12 Spaceships
Smooth Interpolation
The 6-axis movement system takes advantage of slerp. This was built in the new Unity movement system, modified to allow for full controller support. Spherical interpolation is used to allow for pull-aways when boosting and a neat rotation when performing barrel rolls that's useful for users who suffer from motion sickness.
This was implemented into the spaceships and combined with a Unity plugin called Cinemachine, allowing for incredible visuals and cinematics.
(All screenshots are in-game)